Obesity Treatment Pillars

This weeks blog is about the pillars of treatment for obesity. There are five pillars for the treatment of obesity the first three are the basis of this treatment. And those three include 

1. The pillar of nutrition or finding an eating plan that works to treat your disease 

2. The second pillar is activity, although some people prefer to call it exercise, I  prefer to call it moving more or activity

3. The third pillar that finishes up the underlying premise of all treatment is the behavioral intervention. Behavioral Intervention really means how to find our roadblocks and how to work around.  What’s  worked for you in the past and what hasn’t worked – and then use those successes to create the perfect treatment plan.

The fourth and fifth pillar support the first three. And obesity medications can be very beneficial in helping with making good food choices for your eating plan.   We’ll talk more about medications in future blog post.  And the fifth pillar is Referral to a bariatric surgery program think this will be another topic for another day. 

Hope this helps set up your understanding a  bit of the overall treatment plan that are created for the chronic disease obesity.

 I look forward to your comments and questions.